namanti phalino vrikshah

The parable of the trees

namanti phalino vrikshah namanti gunino janah |
shushkakashthashcha murkhashcha na namanti kadachana ||

नमन्ति फलिनो वृक्षा: नमन्ति गुणिनो जनाः |
शुष्ककाष्ठश्च मूर्खश्च न नमन्ति कदाचन ||

Like trees that bow down, full of fruits,
The wise are humble, head to boots.
Like dried out trees that never bend
The fools are pompous till the end.

Related subhashitas

ko hi bharah samarthanam

What is a burden for those who are clever?

ko hi bharah samarthanam kim duram vyavasayinam |
ko videshah suvidyanam kah parah priyavadinam ||

को  हि  भारः समर्थानां  किं  दूरं  व्यवसायिनाम्  |
को  विदेशः सुविद्यानां  कः  परः  प्रियवादिनाम्  ||

What is a burden for those who are clever?
What is too distant for those who endeavor?
Where is too foreign for well-rounded folk?
Who is a stranger to people who joke?

bhadram bhadram kritam maunam

The silence of the wise is wise

bhadram bhadram kritam maunam kokilairjaladagame |
vaktaro darduro yatra tatra maunam samacharet ||

भद्रं भद्रं कृतं मौनं कोकिलैर्जलदागमे |
वक्तारो दर्दुरो यत्र तत्र मौनं समाचरेत् ||

The silence of the wise is wise.
Like cuckoos under rainy skies,
Where frogs are croaking off their lungs,
It’s best for us to hold our tongues.

kakah krishnah pikah krishnah

The cuckoo and the crow

kakah krishnah pikah krishnah ko bheda pikakakayoh |
vasantasamaye prapte kakah kakah pikah pikah ||

काकः कृष्णः पिकः कृष्णः को भेद पिककाकयोः |
वसन्तसमये प्राप्ते काकः काकः पिकः पिकः ||

The cuckoo’s black and so’s the crow.
The birds are identical, no?
When lovely spring is here, one knows:
The cuckoo coos, the crow just crows.

© 2022 Ranjith Jayaram