
A part we learn from those who teach us

A part we learn from those who teach us,
A part from our own reason's reaches,
A part we learn from friends and peers,
The rest from passing days and years.

acharyat padamadatte padam shishya svamedhaya |
padam sabrahmacharibhya: padam kala kramena cha ||

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With knowledge that's in books and verses

With knowledge that’s in books and verses
And money that’s in others’ purses,
In times of need, when times are funny,
You’ve zero knowledge, zero money.

pustakastha tu ya vidya parahasta gatam dhanam |
karyakale samutpanne na sa vidya na taddhanam ||

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The gift of knowledge

A gift of food is good for the getter.
A gift of knowledge, even better.
Delight in eating's rather fleeting
But knowledge lasts while the heart is beating.

annadanam param danam vidya danam atah param |
annena kshanika triptih yavajjivam cha vidyayo ||

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Knowledge is our greatest treasure

It can’t be stolen by a thief
Nor plundered by a king or chief.
It can’t be divvied up by brothers
Or be burdensome for you and others.
The more we share, the more its measure.
Our knowledge is our greatest treasure.

na choraharyam na cha rajyaharyam na bhratribhajyam na cha bharakari |
vyaye krite vardhata eva nityam vidya dhanam sarvadhanapradhanam ||

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