paropadeshe pandityam

The world is full of experts

paropadeshe pandityam sarvesham sukaram nrinam |
dharme svayamanushthanam kasyachittu mahatmanah ||

परोपदेशे पाण्डित्यं सर्वेषां सुकरं नृणाम् |
धर्मे स्वयमनुष्ठानं कस्यचित्तु महात्मनः ||

The world is full of experts who
Tell other people what to do.
The noble soul is one who does
The moral thing without a fuss.

Related subhashitas

ayushah khandamadaya

The daily question

ayushah khandamadaya ravirastamayam gatah |
ahanyahani boddhavyam kimetat sukritam kritam ||

आयुषः खण्डमादाय रविरस्तमयं गतः |
अहन्यहनि बोद्धव्यं किमेतत् सुकृतं कृतम् ||

The sun has gone to set and taken
A little slice of life away.
So day and night, think! awaken!
“What’s the good I've done today?”

prarabhyate na khalu vighna-bhayena nichaih

The best will never waver, never quit

prarabhyate na khalu vighna-bhayena nichaih
prarabhya vighna-vihata viramanti madhyah |
vighnaih sahasra-gunitair api hanyamanah
prarabdham uttama-guna na parityajanti ||

प्रारभ्यते न खलु विघ्न-भयेन नीचैः
प्रारभ्य विघ्न-विहता विरमन्ति मध्याः |
विघ्नैः सहस्र-गुणितैर् अपि हन्यमानाः
प्रारब्धम् उत्तम-गुणा न परित्यजन्ति ||

The common ones won't start a venture;
They fear a hard and tough adventure.
The mediocre start but see
A sign of trouble, stop and flee.

The best are those who start and then,
When hardship strikes, and strikes again,
And a thousand hurts and hurdles hit,
Will never waver, never quit.

sharadi na varshati

The parable of the clouds

sharadi na varshati garjati varshati varshashu nihsvano meghah |
nicho vadati na kurute vadati na sadhuh karotyeva ||

शरदि न वर्षति गर्जति वर्षति वर्षाषु निःस्वनो मेघः |
नीचो  वदति  न कुरुते वदति न  साधुः  करोत्येव ||

In autumn, clouds may loudly rumble,
But not a drop of rain will tumble.
When monsoons come, the clouds are silent
And yet they rain down hard and violent.

The fools who thunder, boom and roar
Accomplish nothing, nothing more.
The wise and calm and thoughtful one
Acts silently and gets things done.

© 2022 Ranjith Jayaram