durastho'pi na durasthah

The one who’s far is not that far

durastho'pi na durasthah yo yasya manasi sthitah |
yo yasya hridaye nasti samipastho'pi duratah ||

दूरस्थोऽपि न दूरस्थः यो यस्य मनसि स्थितः |
यो यस्य हृदये नास्ति समीपस्थोऽपि दूरतः ||

The one who’s far is not that far
If right inside your heart they are.
If one is neither close nor dear
Then they are far when even near.

Related subhashitas

arambha gurvi kshayini kramena

Shadows and friends

arambha gurvi kshayini kramena
laghvi pura vriddhimatishcha pashchat |
dinasya purvardha parardha bhinna
chhayeva maitri khala-sajjananam ||

आरम्भ गुर्वी क्षयिणी क्रमेण
लघ्वी पुरा वृद्धिमतिश्च पश्चात् |
दिनस्य पूर्वार्ध परार्ध भिन्ना
छायेव मैत्री खल-सज्जनानाम् ||

The one that’s long at first gets smaller.
The other, starting short, grows taller.
Our shadows change in distinct ways
In the first and second halves of days.
And so our friendships start and end
With a fickle friend and a faithful friend.

© 2022 Ranjith Jayaram