gate shokam na kurvita

Don't think about the past and cry

gate shokam na kurvita bhavishyam naiva chintayet |
vartamaneshu kaleshu vartayanti vichakshanah ||

गते शोकं न कुर्वीत भविष्यं नैव चिन्तयेत् |
वर्तमानेषु कालेषु वर्तयन्ति विचक्षणाः ||

Don’t think about the past and cry
Nor think of all that’s next and sigh.
The one who sees with open eyes,
In today’s moment lives and dies.

Related subhashitas

ayushah khandamadaya

The daily question

ayushah khandamadaya ravirastamayam gatah |
ahanyahani boddhavyam kimetat sukritam kritam ||

आयुषः खण्डमादाय रविरस्तमयं गतः |
अहन्यहनि बोद्धव्यं किमेतत् सुकृतं कृतम् ||

The sun has gone to set and taken
A little slice of life away.
So day and night, think! awaken!
“What’s the good I've done today?”

adhishthanam samichchhanti

Water drops on blades of grass

adhishthanam samichchhanti hyachalam nirbale sati |
sansare sarvabhutanam trinabinduvadasthire ||

अधिष्ठानं  समिच्छन्ति  ह्यचलं  निर्बले सति |
संसारे सर्वभूतानां तृणबिन्दुवदस्थिरे ||

The weak will wish that they could walk
Upon a base of solid rock.
But all of life on earth must pass
Like water drops on blades of grass.

akinchanye na moksho'sti

It's knowledge that will set you free

akinchanye na moksho'sti kinchanye nasti bandhanam |
kinchanye chetare chaiva janturjnanena muchyate ||

आकिञ्चन्ये न मोक्षोऽस्ति किञ्चन्ये नास्ति बन्धनम् |
किञ्चन्ये चेतरे चैव जन्तुर्ज्ञानेन मुच्यते ||

A simple life of poverty
Is not a path to salvation.
A lavish life with property
Is not a path to damnation.
It’s neither wealth nor misery
It’s knowledge that will set you free.

© 2022 Ranjith Jayaram